Axiostat For Vascular Closure Technique For Bleeding Control
At the end of the vascular procedures in a cath lab, the catheter and sheath are removed to leave the puncture site at the artery open. The arterial bleeding requires to be stopped to prevent excessive blood loss. Vascular closure techniques, consisting of the following, are adopted to stop the bleeding from the puncture site.
1. Compression by a Gauze (Gold Standard)
Traditionally, manual compression has been done to stop the bleeding from the arterial puncture site. Although it remains the gold standard, this procedure requires considerable time for patient recovery.
Manual compression using gauze is done in –

Femoral access site

Radial access site
2. Vascular closure devices
Vascular closure devices, usually in the form of clips, suture, or haemostatic dressing, help to stop the bleeding from the arterial puncture sites. These reduce the patient’s recovery time significantly, and in turn increase cath-lab throughput.

Use of Axiostat in vascular closure
Cardiac catheterization procedures can sometimes result in complications during vascular closure, leading to loss of blood. Excessive loss of blood can be life-threatening to the patient. Axiostat is a bio-material based haemostat that can stop bleeding within seconds of application.
It is a sterile, single-use, non-absorbable haemostatic dressing that can control bleeding from vascular access sites while reducing ambulation time in patients that have undergone diagnostic or interventional endovascular procedures using procedural sheath.
It is available in vascular, surgical, haemodialysis as well as military variants. The vascular variant is effective to stop bleeding instantly in various interventional radiology and cardiology procedures (both radial and femoral puncture sites).
Features of Axiostat in Vascular Closures
Axiostat provides optimal benefits in vascular closure procedures for the comfort of the patient and reduction in recovery time.
- Faster Haemostasis – Up to 80% reduction in manual compression time.
- Affordable – 1/5th Cost of the vascular closure devices / imported haemostatic agents
- Easy Deployment – Topical application without insertion of any instrument inside the arteries, unlike vascular closure devices. The technique of application is similar to manual compression using cotton gauze and fluoroscopy is not required.
This article aims to inform the readers about vascular closure techniques succeeding various catheterization lab procedures and the use of Axiostat in the same. Readers can reach out to product experts through the comments for additional questions on the subject.
(Disclaimer: Issued in public interest by Axio Biosolutions Private Limited.)
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