We are Axions
Let’s Change How We Care
Axio is a deep-science medical technology company with extensive expertise in biomaterials based medical devices for pre-hospital, intra-operative and post-operative clinical needs. Our focus is on devices for management of trauma, surgical and chronic wounds.
We bring together our biomaterials expertise with the contemporary knowledge of medicine and engineering to design novel solutions for management of trauma, surgical and chronic-infectious wounds.
Our flagship product, Axiostat, is a patented, clinically validated haemostat that stops moderate to severe bleeding instantly in surgeries and in pre-hospital trauma. Axiostat is USFDA 510(k) cleared and is also European CE approved.
In Advanced Wound Care range, Axio has launched the next-generation MaxioCel wound dressing. MaxioCel is designed to heal patients suffering from acute and chronic wounds (diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, burns, bed sores, cavity wounds and surgical site infections) by effectively managing exudates, pain reduction and scar less healing.
All Axio products manufactured are in compliance with the requirements of ISO 13485:2016.
Axio intends to be the first choice for any customer looking for advanced wound care and haemostatic solutions and the company is positioned to upgrade wound care in both the institutional and consumer segments.


Save Lives and Comfort Patients
Quality Policy
We at AXIO, benchmark ourselves to global standards and follow appropriate regulatory guidelines in respective countries of operation.
We foster a culture of continuous improvement by actively reviewing and updating our quality management system (QMS) throughout the product lifecycle to ensure its ongoing effectiveness. This commitment extends to setting measurable quality objectives that we relentlessly monitor, driving us to deliver exceptional products and services