Approximately 15% of people with diabetes are prone to foot ulcers. A diabetic foot ulcer is most commonly located on the plantar surface or bottom of the foot. For patients who develop a foot ulcer, 6% will be hospitalized due to infection or other ulcer-related complications.
Foot ulcer Causes and Risk factors:
Treatment for diabetic foot ulcers depends on their causes. Any person with diabetes is especially sensitive to neuropathy because of inadequate blood flow and unchecked blood sugar. These conditions can destroy nerve cells and cause pain, tingling, and numbness.
People with diabetic neuropathy may lose complete sensation in their feet and may not feel the pain of the intense itching of foot injuries. Older people have the highest risk of developing foot ulcers.

Because of the correlation with inadequate blood circulation, others likely to get foot ulcers include those with:
- Diabetes
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Other circulation issues
The Symptoms of foot ulcers:
Foot ulcers may or may not be painful. The patient may have a swollen leg, feel a burning sensation, or itching in the area. There may also be a rash, redness, discoloration of the skin, or have a scaly skin, and if it has advanced significantly, an odor may be present.

The primary goal in treating diabetic ulcers on foot is to obtain healing as soon as possible – the faster the recovery, the lesser the chances for the infection.
The key factors in the appropriate treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer:
- Prevention of infection
- Taking the pressure off the affected area
- Removing dead skin and tissue
- Applying medical dressing to the ulcer
- Managing blood glucose and other health problems

For a foot ulcer to heal, there must be adequate circulation to the ulcerated area. Controlling blood glucose is of utmost importance during the treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer. Reducing further risk factors, such as smoking, alcohol, high cholesterol, and raising blood glucose, are essential in preventing and treating a diabetic foot ulcer.
MaxioCel is a next generation, innovative product that provides maximum comfort and faster healing of diabetic foot ulcers. This revolutionary product in the advanced wound care management space improves patients’ quality of life with chronic wound care management.
MaxioCel is a 100% chitosan based wound dressing for patients suffering from foot ulcers with diabetes. Take a look at our store for more details and experience yourself on the number of preventive measures we are taking to help improve wound healing while minimizing risk factors.