Taking proper care of wounds is essential for healing and overall health. Wounds can turn in to grounds for infection, if not attended to following a specialists’ instructions. Regardless of the location or depth of the cut, there may arise complications owing to co-morbidities of the patient.
Wound care at home has now taken a front seat in view of the global crisis of COVID 19 pandemic. Self-care, as well as home wound management services, play an important part in taking care of patients in need. People with associated conditions like diabetes and Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) are especially vulnerable due to the incidence of chronic, non-healing wounds.
Wound care myths – busted!
Several common myths associated with wound care hinder a safe and healthy healing cycle. The following is a list of common wound care myths and solutions for better recovery.
Wound care myth 1 – Cleaning the wound with alcohol disinfects it
Fact – Alcohol can be harsh on the wound site and surrounding areas. Although known to be an anti-septic, pure alcohol disinfectants are not very useful for cleaning the wound site.
A new wound requires an ambient environment to heal. Alcohol can kill new cells and the tissue surrounding the wound site, hindering the wound healing process. If this happens, the wound can take a much longer time than usual to heal or can develop complications.
How do you disinfect your wound without having adverse reactions?
Alcohol-free disinfectants are milder on the skin and better for immediate wound care. Soap and water are also a good choice when it comes to disinfection. However, it is best to consult a wound care specialist before applying any product on your wound.
Wound care myth 2 – Antibiotics are essential for wound treatment
Fact– When there is a cut or puncture on the skin, the body immediately reacts to the change to rectify the damage. The process of blood clotting starts followed by natural wound healing. The human body inherently has an efficient immune system with the capacity to fight common disease-causing germs.
Wounds are prone to infection from microbes. However, consuming antibiotics unnecessarily can slow down and hamper the functioning of the immune system.
When should you take antibiotics for wound healing?
Antibiotics should only be consumed for wound healing when prescribed by a doctor. This is usually required when the wound does not heal for a prolonged period of time. Antibiotics are also prescribed if you have additional health issues like diabetic foot or neuropathy wherein the body has compromised wound healing capacity.
Wound care myth 3: Wound dressings increase chances of germ infection
Fact – A doctor prescribed medicated wound dressing can help wounds heal faster without the chance of infection.
Chronic, heavily exudating wounds are at greater risk of complications. Dressings provide a clean, moist environment that is ambient for the wound to heal in.
How do you choose the correct wound dressing?
Many wound dressings are enriched with substances that aid faster wound healing. Silver enriched or Chitosan wound dressings are effective in preventing infections.
An appropriate wound dressing covers the wound entirely, is breathable, and does not cause any allergic reaction. It is advisable to consult a wound care specialist regarding the choice of dressing for wound care at home.
Wound care myth 4: Wounds should be exposed to air for faster healing
Fact – Exposure to air can render open wounds prone to infection.
Wounds can get infected from exposure to dirt or impurities in the air. Even when the environment seems clean, invisible germs can enter and infect the wound.
How should you keep the wound clean?
The wound should be cleaned and covered with a wound dressing until it heals completely or as advised by the doctor. Wound dressings should be frequently changed for maximum effectiveness.
Taking proper care of your wound is essential for faster recovery and better health. Wound care at home requires strict following of instructions of a healthcare specialist. In case you have co-ailments, reach out to a doctor before commencing any kind of wound treatment routine.
Disclaimer: Issued in public interest by Axio Biosolutions Private Limited. Kindly check the official guidance on WHO for more information on infection prevention and control of COVID-19.
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