
Wound care

How to Prevent diabetic foot ulcers?

How to Prevent Diabetic Foot Ulcers? Case Studies Diabetic Foot Ulcers Wound Care Dressing Foot care among diabetic patients play an inevitable role in the prevention of infection and necrosis, neglecting which will increase the severity and leave them no other option but a diabetic foot ulcer amputation. The International Diabetes Federations has reportedly recorded…

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Moisture-Associated Skin Damage (MASD)

Moisture-Associated Skin Damage (MASD) The moisture barrier of the skin plays a vital role in maintaining a relatively stable equilibrium between the interdependent fluids within the body. The moisture content in the skin regulates the inward and outward movement of the body fluids. Prolonged exposure to moisture can worsen the skin health making it vulnerable…

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Pressure Sores Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What are pressure ulcers? Pressure Ulcers are commonly known as Bed sores or Pressure sores. Whenever there is prolonged pressure on the skin, the underlying tissues get damaged and form pressure ulcers. People who are usually bed ridden or sitting on a wheelchair with very less movement develop bed sores. Symptoms of Bed sores /…

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Diabetic Foot Ulcers – A Complete Walkthrough

Diabetic foot ulcers are formed when the skin tissue in the foot area breaks down and exposes the layers beneath it. When diabetes is not managed properly with diet, exercise, and insulin based treatments, it can cause various complications. One such complication is the Foot Ulcer. Foot ulcers usually develop under the big toes and…

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How long does a diabetic foot ulcer take to heal?

Diabetes makes people more likely to have foot ulcers. Ulcers are open sores on the skin that don’t heal the way they should. If ulcers are left untreated, it may become severe. It is believed that between 14-24 percent of people with diabetes are likely to develop an ulcer and have their lower limb amputated.…

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Bedsores: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Bedsore Meaning Many people might not be familiar with the term Pressure Ulcer or Decubitus Ulcer. It is nothing but Bedsores, an injury caused to the skin when blood flow is disrupted to that area because of sitting or lying in one position for a long time Bedsores Causes Bedsores develop in areas where the…

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Efficacy and Safety on Healing of Leg Foot Ulcers

Foot Ulcers result from the breakdown of the skin and tissues of the feet and ankles and can get infected. These will not heal quickly and might return over a long period. It is essential to detect and treat foot ulcers early to prevent them from infection and worsening. Foot ulcers in Diabetes patients and…

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Wound pain management: Healing with comfort

Broad-spectrum wound care is associated with managing different kinds of issues that may arise in relation to the wound. This includes the diagnosis of types of wounds, prescribing proper wound care dressings as well as wound infection treatment. Wound pain management is an important part of healing that directly affects patient comfort. Maintaining a healthy…

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