Controls Bleeding from Cuts & Bruises | Arterial & Venous Bleeding | Severe Injuries
SureKlot is a range of bleeding control and wound recovery products for all animals like dogs, cats, horses, cows, and more. SureKlot products contain chitosan, a biomaterial that has haemostatic and wound healing properties. SureKlot products are efficient non-toxic and biocompatible. Our product range includes rapid action Wound Spray, Wound Powder, Gauze and a Patch for controlling severe bleeding for veterinary.
SureKlot is a complete haemostatic first aid solution for animals to stop mild to severe bleeding instantly and is available in both, patch and powder form. SureKlot is made up of 100% Chitosan and works on unique mechanism which is based on Mucoadhesion to blood and tissues and is non-toxic in nature. This has been proven to be more efficient and faster than conventional dressings and can be removed painlessly with saline or water.
Controls Bleeding from Cuts & Bruises | Arterial & Venous Bleeding | Severe Injuries
Rapid Wound Recovery
Painless Easy Removal
Controls Bleeding
Rapid Wound Recovery
For Open Cuts | Surface Wounds | Granulated Tissue | Proud Flesh & Capillary Bleeding
Wound Cleansing | Rinsing & Disinfection
For Infected Wounds | Abscesses | Bite Wounds | Surgical Wounds & Cuts
Patch/Gauze: Controls Bleeding from Cuts & Bruises | Arterial & Venous Bleeding | Severe Injuries
Powder: For Open Cuts | Surface Wounds | Granulated Tissue | Proud Flesh & Capillary Bleeding
Spray: For Infected Wounds | Abscesses | Bite Wounds | Surgical Wounds & Cuts
Technology | Protonated Bioadhesive Technology (PBT®) |
Shelf Life | Patch, Gauze, & Powder – 5 Years Spray – 2 Years |
Removal | Irrigate with Saline/Water |
Side Effects | None |
Implant | No |
Biocompatible | Yes |
SureKlot Powder for Rapid Wound Recovery
SureKlot Spray for Wound Cleansing, Moisturising & Decontamination
Dr. Jayati Kulkarni (B.V.Sc. & A.H)
Anubhuti Pet Care, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Dr. Kishor Transadiya (B.V.Sc & AH)
Veterinary Surgeon, Pet Plus Hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India
Dr. Tina Giri (B.V.Sc & AH)
Tina Giri’s Vet Clinic, Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India
SureKlot is a range of veterinary wound care products to be used for bleeding control and wound management in animals. SureKlot product range includes (i) Patch and (ii) Gauze for moderate to severe bleeding; (iii) Rapid Action Wound Spray for wound cleansing, moisturizing and deconstamination: and (iv) Rapid Action Wound Powder for rapid wound recovery.
SureKlot range of wound care products are ready to use, accelerate the process of wound healing, stopped the bleeding instantly and are extremely easy even for a non-medical first responder to apply and remove. SureKlot suit for all type needs as it is available in Spray, powder, patch, and gauze form. Moreover, these products are non-exothermic in nature, biocompatible, and are non-toxic.
SureKlot range of products are 100% non-toxic as they are made from a natural biopolymer Chitosan.
SureKlot comes in moisture-proof pouches and bottles which can be easily opened using one hand. SureKlot can be directly applied onto wounds and doesn’t require pre-mixing or any kind of preparation prior to use.
Yes. SureKlot Patch/Gauze can be cut into multiple pieces according to the wound size. It can also be folded and packed into actively bleeding wounds/cavity wounds.
SureKlot Patch/Gauze/Powder can be removed easily by irrigating with saline or water which will turn into a gel form and then can be easily taken off.
No. SureKlot usage is depicted on the packaging in an easy to understand way for a lay-man.
However it is not recommended to be implanted. Contains chitosan extracted from Shellfish. Do not use if package is damaged or contents are wet. Do not re-sterilize. Refer to IFU for detailed warnings and precautions.
SureKlot Patch – SK84, SK87, SK44 (Emergeny)
SureKlot Gauze – SK750 (7.6x50cm), SK7100 (7.6×100 cm)
SureKlot Powder – SKVP10 (10ml Vial)
SureKlot Spray – SKVS100 (100ml)
Yes. SureKlot is X-ray compatible and provides good support to the bleeding site and facilitates easy & quick X-ray procedure.
SureKlot Patch/Gauze/Powder sticks to bleeding wounds quickly and it eliminates the need for any other dressings. Still, it is recommended to use SureKlot Gauze over the Patch/Gauze/Powder as a secondary dressing to keep SureKlot dry and in position.
No. SureKlot is a non-absorbable dressing and is not to be implanted. It should be removed prior to wound closure by moistening completely with water/saline.
There have been no known reported allergic reactions from the use of SureKlot. Chitosan used in SureKlot does not contain any protein or allergic components.
SureKlot can be kept on the wound for up to 24 hours
SureKlot is made of a naturally occurring polymer known as Chitosan (Poly [β-(1,4)-2-amino- 2-deoxy- D- glucosamine],) which is a biocompatible polysaccharide extracted from shellfish. They are rigorously processed and purified prior to fabricating into the dressing and are terminally sterilized using gamma irradiation.
SureKlot has different variants that are suitable to cover various wound sizes. In cases, where wounds are larger or there is an extended laceration, multiple SureKlot patches or gauzes can be applied side by side. We also provide custom SureKlot sizes on large orders pertaining to a particular indication.
SureKlot works on the principle of controlling bleeding through strong adhesion independent of clotting mechanism and whereas most other haemostats work on the basis of absorption and activation of the clotting cascade. Moreover, chitosan-based SureKlot has play a unique major role in accelerating the each stages of wound healing process by act as hemostat, antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and scar preventive
Clinical studies perform in human beings and SureKlot is developed for animal wound care. So no clinical study required to evaluate its efficacy and safety. To ensure its safety biocompatibility tests has done as per ISO 10993 for SureKlot
SureKlot is not a substitute for wound closure devices such as sutures. SureKlot provides an instant control of bleeding and helps the wound dry prior to suturing or any other surgical procedure
Yes. However, SureKlot is a non-absorbable dressing that is not to be used as an implant. SureKlot should be removed prior to closing the wound within 24 hours.
Do not re-sterilize. Do not use if pack is damaged or open. Contains chitosan from shellfish. Natural material tends to change color, efficacy remains unchanged. For external veterinary use only.
SureKlot works independent of natural clotting mechanism and is based on adhesive property due to charge density of blood components.